The team of Sourire à la vie goes to hospital rooms to visit children. No space is left behind, they go to every sector of the hospital including germ-free transplant rooms. Group leaders come up with the possibility of games, sports and creative [...]
From tuesday to friday, the team of SOURIRE A LA VIE visits sick children at the hospital. Not a single place is left behind : we go to the hospital ward, secluded rooms, day care center and transplant center.
In 2015, SOURIRE A LA VIE and the pediatric oncology- hématology unit in La [...]
Grand Corps Malade and SOURIRE A LA VIE organize a prestigious night out to the benefit of children with cancer :
Grand Corps Malade and his famous friends welcome more than 200 guests for a fancy dinner in the South of France. A [...]
Get the child to live moments of exception to counterbalance to difficult times imposed by the disease
These children go through extremely difficult times at a very early stage in their life. The feeling of injustice is tremendous. Bad news keep pouring in, giving the [...]
Par Coeur show is a charity led by Tony Parker. It aims at raising funds that will go to charities. Children had an opportunity to get on stage with Tony Parker to perform part of their [...]