It aims at helping them go through the hardships of the disease as smoothly as possible while enabling them to live the life a child deserves. A life made of games, enjoyment, dreams and fulfillment.
The association was created in Marseille in 2006 and named « Sourire à la vie » by two young girls , Selma and Kosovare . The name occurred as they came to the conclusion that « when they joined the group, they felt like smiling and living life to its full again. »
« Sourire à la vie » plans to work as follows :
1. Being present right from the first diagnosis and visiting young patients at the hospital.
« Sourire à la vie » can act on prescription from the early phase of treatment and suggest a variety of activities, most of which will be sport-oriented.
2. An innovative ward in the hospital will be dedicated to welcoming, listening to, nursing and helping children recover physically.
This section will grant families with some free time and give children a healthy break contributing to both physical and moral improvement.
3. A home by the sea side for full-board stays
The care can be lengthened outside the hospital where the child can enjoy the seaside, regain strength, forget his stay at the hospital and be reunited with friends.
The « Phare des sourires » welcomes more than 130 children either undergoing treatment or on a recent remission for stays of 2 to 10 days. The child is hosted full board and takes part in programs that suit his needs and enable him toachieve goals. Such programs include dog-sled expeditions in Canada, sailing across the Mediterranean on a catamaran, performing in prestigious concert-halls… Children taking part in « Sourire à la vie »often regain some balance by being actors of such great projects !
4. A long-term follow-up of children in their return to social life