From tuesday to friday, the team of SOURIRE A LA VIE visits sick children at the hospital. Not a single place is left behind : we go to the hospital ward, secluded rooms, day care center and transplant center.
In 2015, SOURIRE A LA VIE and the pediatric oncology- hématology unit in La [...]
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Financial partnership
Your company can grant money to the association for the realization of projects.
The cost of our actions :
- 10 000 euros will permit 5 children to benefit from a yearly accompaniment, a [...]
In the dead of winter, 11 « Sourire a la vie » children aged 10 to 18 and 5 of their group leaders (including doctors and nurses) live an incredible adventure : a dog-sled expedition through north Canada.
After tough training sessions in camps, they are ready to push the [...]
Get the child to live moments of exception to counterbalance to difficult times imposed by the disease
These children go through extremely difficult times at a very early stage in their life. The feeling of injustice is tremendous. Bad news keep pouring in, giving the [...]