I am an individual
I can take up a challenge for Sourire à la vie
Whatever my challenge is, be it sport, art or anything else, I can take it up and have it sponsored by my friends and relatives to the benefit of Sourire à la vie.
I can organize a charity for Sourire à la vie
If you feel like gathered people around a noble cause, you can organize charities and raise funds for Sourire à la vie.
Your charities can include :
- garage sales,
- lottery,
- concerts,
- dinners,
- sports meetings
I get my workmates to join the cause of children wth cancer
In order to make my workmates feel concerned, I can bring a donation box at work : place it either in the staff room or close to the vending machine so that change can be used for donation.
I celebrate my birthday or my wedding day to the benefit of Sourire à la vie
Share your happiness by donating to a charity : turn your presents into donations, ask your guests to make a donation to help children with cancer.