Keeping the sick child to riveted to real life
A child’s life is made of learning, discoveries, games, laughs, dreams and exchanges.
The outbreak of cancer is unsettling for a family and what used to be everyday life is completely disrupted by the announcement. Outdoor activities, sport, after-school activities, celebrations, holidays. The child feels his freedom is severely amputated by the disease. His love of life and liveliness are often put to the test by treatments. He becomes a patient and some of his innocence is thus lost.
« Sourire à la vie » will work to recreate, in a secure environment, the conditions that are necessary for a fulfilling childhood. It will handle the constraints of the disease to enable the child to remain active, open to life, dynamic, willing to smile, open up to others and take part in activities. He can thus drift away from his condition as a patient and go on growing up, thriving and taking part in social life.
Throughout the year, in and out of hospital, « Sourire à la vie » will come up with suggestions of entertainment, sports activities, outdoor adventures and holidays. Breaking away from the loneliness of a hospital room, the child will discover he is not alone, he will make friends with other sick children and share his experience and hardships because « together weKeeping the sick chil riveted to real life ’re stronger »
A child undergoing treatment will thus, with the cooperation of his doctors, be able to ski in the Alps, sail, dance…