The team of Sourire à la vie goes to hospital rooms to visit children. No space is left behind, they go to every sector of the hospital including germ-free transplant rooms. Group leaders come up with the possibility of games, sports and creative [...]
Founded by Paul Levy, a brilliant idea, the association Voeux d’Artistes (Artists’ wishes ) is the alliance of a passion for contemporary art and a desire to soothe the daily life of children affected with cancer.
Here is the great concept : For 10 days, a hundred artists, both [...]
From tuesday to friday, the team of SOURIRE A LA VIE visits sick children at the hospital. Not a single place is left behind : we go to the hospital ward, secluded rooms, day care center and transplant center.
In 2015, SOURIRE A LA VIE and the pediatric oncology- hématology unit in La [...]
The images of the first edition of « Gala des sourires » . A prestigious event organized by the French artist Grand Corps Malade and the team of the association Sourire à la vie for the children affected with cancer where artists perform on stage in [...]
Helping the child through the hardships of his disease
Just like a professional athlete should work out towards the Olympics to be as strong, and steady as possible for the coming event, the sick child should be ready to face the different stages of his therapy.
That is why [...]